The Digital 7th Tradition

This site serves as a resource for NENY Area 48 A.A. group members who wish to explore using digital pay platforms for collecting contributions to the A.A. group. It was developed by a committee representing NENY A.A. Area 48, District 1 (Albany, NY), and the A.A. Capital District Central Office.

The site was developed in response to challenges created by the COVID-19 Pandemic. The advent of this crisis saw most A.A. meetings shut down, and subsequently spurred the development of the A.A. Zoom online meeting, as well as a number of other adapted meeting formats. One significant result was the inability of A.A. groups to exercise the “collection” part of the 7th Tradition. Baskets and coffee cans were no longer being passed around in the meeting place. Many groups continued to pay rent for meeting space throughout the pandemic, yet contributions were not flowing as usual.